tce-load -i compiletc freetype-dev libpng-dev python3.6-numpy python3.6-dateutil py3.6tz python3.6-cycler py3.6parsing py3.6gobject-dev gtk3-dev gtk3-gir cd matplotlib-3.1.0 cp setup.cfg.template setup.cfg Edit tests = False python3 build sudo python3 install --root=/tmp/pkg BUILDING MATPLOTLIB matplotlib: yes [3.1.0] python: yes [3.6.4 (default, Mar 9 2018, 12:22:02) [GCC 7.2.0]] platform: yes [linux] OPTIONAL SUBPACKAGES sample_data: yes [installing] tests: no [skipping due to configuration] OPTIONAL BACKEND EXTENSIONS agg: yes [installing] tkagg: yes [installing; run-time loading from Python Tcl/Tk] macosx: no [Mac OS-X only] OPTIONAL PACKAGE DATA dlls: no [skipping due to configuration]